Voter Guide 2022: What is on the ballot in Easley this Tuesday?

easley sc 2022 voter guide

Federal Government

U.S. Senator


About this office

A United States Senator represents his/her entire state in the United States Senate. Each state has 2 Senators. A senator’s term of office is six years and approximately one-third of the total membership of the Senate is elected every two years. (via

U.S. Representative District 3


About this office

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees. (via

State Government

South Carolina Governor


About this office

Governors are responsible for implementing state laws and overseeing the operation of the state executive branch. As state leaders, governors advance and pursue new and revised policies and programs using a variety of tools, among them executive orders, executive budgets, and legislative proposals and vetoes. (via Wikipedia)

Secretary of State


About this office

The Secretary of State for South Carolina is an elected executive position in the South Carolina state government. The secretary of state is responsible for commissioning notaries public, issuing apostilles, issuing commissions, filing oaths of office for state officials, and incorporation of municipalities. (via

State Treasurer


About this office

The Treasurer of South Carolina is an elected executive position in the South Carolina state government. As the state’s chief banking officer, the treasurer is responsible for the investment, cash management and safekeeping of South Carolina’s general and restricted funds. (via

Attorney General


About this office

The attorney general is the state’s chief criminal prosecutor, chief legal officer, and securities commissioner. He or she represents and advises the state and its agencies in legal matters, oversees the activities of the state grand jury, and the registration of all people engaged in the sale of securities in South Carolina. The attorney general’s office also investigates allegations of fraud or other violations of securities laws. (via

Comptroller General


  • Richard Eckstrom (R)
About this office

The South Carolina Comptroller General is an elected executive official in the South Carolina state government. The comptroller is the state’s top accountant and chief fiscal watchdog, responsible for supervising state spending, keeping the state’s books and maintaining accounting controls over state agencies. This office is up for election every four years during federal midterm elections (via

State Superintendent of Education


About this office
  • Serve as secretary and administrative officer to the State Board of Education.
  • Supervise and manage all public school funds provided by the State and Federal Governments.
  • Organize, staff and administer the State Department of Education, including all divisions and departments necessary to provide the maximum service to public education in the State.
  • Keep the public informed as to the problems and needs of the public schools by maintaining contact with all school administrators and teachers, by holding public meetings, and by providing information to state media organizations.
  • Print and distribute bulletins, manuals, and circulars necessary for the professional improvement of teachers, the cultivation of public sentiment for public education, and all forms necessary for the administration of the State Department of Education.
  • Administer, through the State Department of Education, all policies and procedures adopted by the State Board of Education.
  • Assume any other responsibilities and duties prescribed by law or assigned by the State Board of Education


Commissioner of Agriculture


About this office

The mission of the South Carolina Department of Agriculture is to promote and nurture the growth and development of South Carolina’s agriculture industry and its related businesses while assuring the safety and security of the buying public. (via

SC State Representative District 10


About this office

Alongside the South Carolina State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the South Carolina state government and works alongside the governor of South Carolina to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the South Carolina House of Representatives include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes. (via


Amendment 1

General Reserve Fund Increase Measure (2022)

A “YES” vote supports increasing the General Reserve Fund from 5% of state general fund revenue to 7% incrementally by a one-half percent increase each year.

A “NO” vote opposes increasing the General Reserve Fund to 7%, thereby leaving in place the current General Reserve Fund amount of 5% of state general fund revenue.

(explanation via

Amendment 2

Capital Reserve Fund Increase Measure (2022)

A “YES” vote supports increasing the Capital Reserve Fund from 2% to 3% of state general fund revenue and providing that the first use of the Capital Reserve Fund is to offset midyear budget reductions.

A “NO” vote opposes increasing the Capital Reserve Fund amount from 2% to 3% of state general fund revenue and providing that the first use of the Capital Reserve Fund is to offset midyear budget reductions.

(explanation via